Saturday, September 24, 2011

Practice Makes Perfect

Not perfect, per se, but definitely better and faster. It's amazing what happens once you establish a regular schedule and routine; I sat down to bang out an idea for a new short story I had, tentatively titled "Y Marks the Spot,", about a female assasin who has tiny nanomachines in her blood that are triggered by the Y sex chromosome in men.

Before I knew it, 1200 words had poured out.

No, I'm not getting sucked into the "Novel in a Month" thingy . . .

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Submission Time

I finished polishing a 6700 word short story, "A Fairy for Bin Laden," yesterday afternoon and submitted it to Fantasy Magazine.

It only took them a day to reject it; I did notice that they use a form letter: the content was identical to a rejection from a month or so ago of the first story I had the nerve to submit for publication.

It's a nice and gentle rejection letter, all in all.

Within the hour, I turned around and submitted it for Clarkesworld consideration.

I keep telling myself that all writers have been rejected, from J.K Rowling to Hemingway; I just need to have faith in myself and stay level-headed and persistent.

A new story is in the works, about a female assassin with deadly nanotech in her blood.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Commitment, Action

(Takes a deep breath)
I'm going to write, dammit, and I'm going to be published. I've been a voracious reader all my long life, and a closet writer for just about as long. I will do this.

What prompted this? In a word: rejection.

A few months ago I dusted off the concept of a short story I wrote about 20 years ago, about a rabid Boston Red Sox fan who attempts to lift the "Curse of the Bambino" from the team in 2004, after the eighty-some years of inexplicable bad fortune that followed the team's sale of Babe Ruth to the Yankees.

I thought the story was pretty good. I submitted to Fantasy Magazine. It was politely rejected.

Clarksworld. Rejected.

Apex. Rejected.

Maybe the story wasn't so good. I determined to try again.

Over the past few weeks I've been squeezing a few hours here and there writing a story about a fairy named Tinkerbelle who helps in the hunt for Osama Bin Laden. It's been a fun ride, and I can see already the results of practice; it's a much better piece of work.

We'll see what happens when I finish it, polish it, and push it out into the cruel world.

It's writing, dammit.

To channel Yoda: "There is no try; do or do not."

Here we go.